Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rainy Days

So we are going on our second rainy day in a row.  So today my mommy sent me an email about activities that she did when I was a wee little one.  So I wanted to pass this on to all those that read my blog.  
1. line you chairs up in a row and pretend that it is a train, have you children lean forward and backwards as if you were going up or down a hill. Have the train stop so they can get off and then have it stop again so they can get back on the train.  
2. Put a sheet or a blanket over your clean kitchen table and make a tent that they can play in and eat there snacks too.  My mom said that my bother and sisters and I would fall asleep in the tent sometimes too.
3. Make pudding so that you children can finger paint and like there yummy fingers all they want.
4. Or get some butcher paper and let them draw a big huge picture.
These are just a few.  If you have nay more rainy day idea's please share them.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Childs Prayer

I am writing this in blue because it is Paul's favorite color and tonight's blog is about Paul and his humble prayers.  I just love t kneel and listen to Paul's prayers they are so humble and teach me a lot about how humble our own prayer's should be like.  Tonight we were saying our family prayer and it is his turn to say it, and the past few nights when Paul prays he humbly bless me as a stay at home mom.  I know that to some that may not mean a whole lot but to me knowing that I need all the blessing I can get as I walk down this new path in my life.  And to hear those words come out of my sweet son means the world to me, and lets me know that he knows that his Heavenly Father will truly bless me.  

We can learn a lot from our children if we just sit or kneel and listen to them and let them teach us.  In the scriptures we are always told to be "child like", and these past two days I am learning that my prayer's need to be more "child like", meaning that I need to really humble myself and let Heavenly Father Bless me and help me in my daily routine.  And I learned all of this from my 4 year old son, who has such great Faith.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I wanted to start this blog so that family and friends could see what I am up to these days.  And to share Paul and Lilly Moments.  I also wanted to have this blog so that I could share with others the challenges and joys of being a stay at home mom in the world that we live in these days.

I hope that all that read my blog will find how great it is to be a mom and might even find helpful tips.  Please feel free to share this blog site with any mom that you know.  Enjoy!!!!!
