Thursday, October 20, 2011

4 year old for sale!!!!!

You know that it has been one of those weeks when you want to sell your 4 year old.  Holy Cow, he has been so mouth and he thinks that he does not have to take a nap, clean his room, pick up his toys and books, and go to bed at night.  It is all about being a big boy and not a baby and "big boys don't have to do what mommy or daddy says" according to my four year old.  This discovering is independence is driving me up the wall.  I love him and I love doing things with him, but his whole bad boy attitude is getting to me.  And Lilly still thinks that he is the coolest big brother ever and so she does exactly what he does.  So for all my family and friends who see me next time I might be bald and you will now know why.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Terrible Two's and Mouthy Four's

I don't know if I will survive the terrible two's and the mouthy four's.  The past two days have been a nightmare.  I am ready to pull my hair out.  Lilly has been getting into everything and I mean everything, and to top it off she thinks that it is cool to take her pull up off.

And then there is Paul who thinks that he can back talk you whenever you tell him to do something, or worse he thinks that he does not need to listen to mommy, arrrrrrggggg!!!!!!! you got to love kids!