Friday, February 24, 2012


So this week Lilly h as decided that she is going to dress herself.  On Tuesday she was putting on her PJ top when she was having issues with the arms.  She ripped it off and said " My sad mommy"  I asked her why she was sad and she pointed to the top.  I asked her if it was because she could not put on her top and she nodded.  I told her that we would wait a few minutes and try again, she would not have anything to do with it after that so I ended up getting her dress.  The next day she was determined to dress herself and so she did, her shirt was even on the right way, for her pants I can't say the same.  She was so excited for her victory of finally getting herself dressed all by herself and her and Paul did a little dance to celebrate.

It is amazing to know that your little girl is growing up right before your eyes and that she wants to be big like her big brother who is her hero.

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